If you do not have a credit card yet, please click on “Get Free Credit Card” and follow the instructions provided. Enter your login information and click on “Next.” You will be prompted to enter your credit card information please do so if you want to enjoy all of the benefits of Slotomania Vip Premium.Open the Google Play Store on your smartphone or tablet and search for “Slotomania Vip Premium.” Tap on the app’s entry that appears and clicks on “Install.”.
Once you have these requirements met, follow these simple steps to install the app: An account with Slotomania Vip Premium (or a current account with the same name and password).A smartphone or tablet with Android 4.4 or later installed.To enjoy Slotomania Vip Premium on your Android device, you will need the following: What are the benefits of using Slotomania VIP?.What Are The Benefits Of Slotomania VIP?.Once you have these requirements met, follow these simple steps to install the app:.